
My beautiful bike

Friday, September 23, 2011

Goodbye Detroit Marathon

As much as I have enjoyed running lately, being injury free and looking forward to October 16th, alas the Detroit Marathon will not become a reality for me.

After several attempts at an enhanced license, miscommunication between the Secretary of State hotline and local branches, countless hours lost waiting in the SOS in between classes, I am done.  I am fed up, I am not dealing with it anymore and I am counting my losses. 


Yes a few tears were shed, as I really would like revenge on this specific course, we all know the knee story. 

With that being said, I will be running the 5k there.  I am looking for a PR for many reasons!  I will be so pissed that I am not running the marathon, I will be motivated to run faster.  My PR for the 5k happened this summer yet a HUGE side cramp happened as well during this race.  I want to see what happens if I do not cramp and if I can keep up my intended pace.

The good news is I will be signing up for the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon.  My dad has agreed to accompany me this November 5th for the race. 

I am super excited to get to spend the weekend with my dad and run a course I have never seen before.  OH and I will be faster by November =)

To everyone else running Detroit, I will be there to cheer you on! 

Oh and f%^& you Detroit Marathon, I didn't want to run anyway!

1 comment:

  1. ahhh bummer! It is never fun to give up on a race you have been training for...but Indy sounds great with your dad
