
My beautiful bike

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm Back!!!

After a few facebook questions regarding my blog, I decided to relaunch!  I really do miss my blogger buddies and I am excited to post and read-when I have time.  After all, it is semester time.

I have really exciting news regarding this fall, I will be running the Detroit Marathon!  The full sha-bang.  The whole darn thing, hopefully.  If you are not familiar with my demise in 2009 on the same course, I blew out my knee at mile 15 and walked the remaining marathon.  It took me 4 hours and 50 excruciating minutes to pirate drag my right knee.  It was horrible.  That will NOT happen again!

Before the knee blow out.  Yes I am really pigeon toed *sigh.  Another reason I did gymnastics, tried to correct that eek!

After the knee blow out, thank you big brother.  He said to me as he picked me up, "Wow you are light!  And you're a stinky little bastard!"  Sibling love.

I also wanted to recap this short race season, triathlon and road race-oh and duathlon that is.  I have pretty much dedicated since April to building a running base.  It worked for a majority of the time, other times it failed, let me describe:

PROUDEST MOMENT:  Crossing the finish line at Muncie.  Although my time was basically the same since 2010, I was highly undertrained going in.  I felt so much more mentally tough on the run, I passed a lot of woggers, although I was one of them for the last 1.5 miles.

BEST PR:  I took 5 minutes off of my olympic distance triathlon in Sylvania this year.  I actually was slower on the swim but took 5 minutes off of the whole thing-during the 10k!  I felt amazing and managed to pass a lot of people.  Never in my life have I been told I look great during the run portion of a tri!

WORST MOMENT OF THE SEASON:  This also came during the Sylvania olympic, I realized I had NO food or anything.  I downed my Gatorade and I think this saved me from a bonk.  I kept waiting for it on the run but it didn't come.

MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT:  When I involuntarily peed myself at Muncie at mile 10 on the run.  Ewww. 

MOST FUN IN A RACE:  Definitely has to be the Kayla O'Mara Memorial 5k.  I ran awful but I decided to sprint the last 100m, little did I know some former MSU sprinter (a 50 y.o. man!) was right beside me and raced me to the end...I won ;) 

BIGGEST THANKS TO:  Erin.  She has created running training plans for me since April.  She ran alongside me in the Dexter/AA 10k.  She has been a GREAT friend and inspiration for me.  She has made me run, now THAT is a miracle!

Anddddd drum roll please ***

This November I will be waiting like a HAWK online to sign up for Ironman Arizona in 2012. 

In the words of Charlie Sheen, "BRING IT!"


  1. Yay! Welcome back! Sounds like you had a great summer. It was great seeing you at the Kayla Run and I can't wait to cheer for you at Detroit once I'm done with the half!

  2. Ohh Leah and you will be done LONG before me-so prepare to wait around for like 5 more hours!!! I may not make it out alive... ;)

  3. WOOHOO! IMAZ should be AWESOME! We are going down to volunteer at IMFL in a couple months :)

    Loved your run down of key points of the year. After reading your Muncie story on the run... kind of glad I didn't meet you after the race haha!

    Good luck at the marathon this year!!!
